Recent Translations

Schluszstuck (Finale)

— by Rainer Maria Rilke – from his ‘Book of Images’ – 1899-1906 Death,  preeminent! We are his — his laughing mouth. Caught up in

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Klage (Complaint)

— by Rainer Maria Rilke – from his Book of Pictures How everything seems so far away and long passed! The star shining down on

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Nenuphar  (Water Lily) 

— by Rainer Maria Rilke – from his French volume ‘Migration des Forces’ I claim my life entire, though anyone who calls it mine deprives

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Kreuzweg (Crossroads)

Rainer Maria Rilke – from a manuscript of uncollected poems Body’s crossroads! And yet these heavenly paths contain us—where the dismal winds converge. Immense, they

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Consolez-moi (Comfort Me)

by Rainer Maria Rilke  — from his French language volume Migration des Forces—  Comfort me, wherever you are— loneliness quickly exhausts me! So that if

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